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Debunking Dry Eye Myths

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Posted in Blepharitis, Drops, Dry Eye, Dry Eye Diagnosis, Lid Hygiene, Meibomian Glands, Treatment

The internet has a plethora of information. Social media networks allow information to be passed around the world in less than a second. However, the power of the internet also has its consequences. Knowledge can be skewed and perpetuated into misinformation – this can be dangerous especially if it impacts your health. In the dry eye world, there are several myths and claims floating around the internet. Today, we will debunk and demystify these common myths. 

Myth #1: “Can I use baby shampoo to clean my eyelids?”

Research has shown that baby shampoo is not sufficient enough to reduce bacteria and inflammation caused by blepharitis. Interestingly, baby shampoo may also damage goblet cell function, but that needs to be further investigated. To properly clean your eyelids, you should use products recommended by your eye doctor such as eyelid cleansers, eyelid wipes and/or BIHOCl. These products below have been proven to effectively treat blepharitis and demodex. You can read more about eyelid cleansers and eyelid wipes on our previous blogs. To learn more about BIHOCl, read our recent blog about its role in eyelid hygiene.

Eyelid Cleansers and Eyelid Wipes from I-Lid ‘N Lash Line
Eyelid Cleansers and Eyelid Wipes from Blepha Line
Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) – The main ingredient in BIHOCl

Myth #2: “If I use eye drops, will I produce enough tears?”

Yes, you will still be producing tears even if you are using eye drops. Eye drops do not stop the production of your tears because your tears are produced by your lacrimal gland. If you have an autoimmune disorder that causes a dysfunctional lacrimal gland, then you will not produce enough tears.

Using eye drops helps replenish the limited amount of tears that you may have due to dry eyes. Think about this analogy. If you have dry hands, you use lotion to help moisturize your hands, but that does not stop the production of the natural oils in your skin. 

If you’re unsure about which eye drops to use, then read up on our eye drop recommendations here. These eye drops are in the eye doctor’s cabinet and dry eye approved.

Labtician-Thea Artificial Tears
I-Med Pharma Artificial Tears

Myth #3: “Can I use tea bags to treat my dry eyes?”

This is a very common misconception. The reason why people find tea bags to be helpful is because of the heat. It’s much more effective (and less messy!) to use a Bruder Mask to treat your dry eyes. Bruder Masks have patented bead technology to retain heat to give it a consistent temperature in order to soften up the clogged oil glands of your eyelids.

Myth #4: “Do warm compresses cause any damage to my eyes?”

Warm compresses do not cause damage to the eyes. The only way it may be harmful is if the warm compresses are too hot. Always check the temperature of your Bruder Mask or your cloth on the back of your wrist to ensure it’s not too hot for your eyes. Remember to limit the amount of warm compresses to twice a day and follow your eye doctor’s recommendation.  

You may experience blurry vision temporarily after your warm compress because the oils are softened and released into your tear film. The Bruder Mask or warm cloth is also gently sitting on your eye and that may cause your cornea (the transparent part of your eye) to flatten temporarily. Don’t worry, your cornea reverts back to its original shape!

Myth #5: “Did a particular event or incident cause my dry eyes?” 

No, you most likely already had dry eyes before, but were asymptomatic. The particular event probably pushed your symptoms of dryness and irritation to a point where it was more noticeable.

Your eye doctor can identify early signs of dryness before you feel dry eye symptoms.  It is important to prevent this from occurring by visiting your eye doctor regularly and starting dry eye treatment early.

Stop Dry Eyes Early — Talk to Your Eye Doctor Today

If you would like to speak to a dry eye doctor about reducing your dry eye symptoms, contact your nearest MyDryEye clinic.

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