The lacrimal system is an intricate structure that is responsible for creating tears and draining tears. The lacrimal gland produces […]
The Lacrimal System and Dry Eye
Posted in Tear Osmolarity, Treatment
The lacrimal system is an intricate structure that is responsible for creating tears and draining tears. The lacrimal gland produces […]
Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a common type of dry eye and it causes evaporative dry eye disease. Evaporative dry […]
Dry eyes are a common source of irritation and inconvenience for many people. The first thing people look for to […]
If you have dry eyes, it can be very irritable and affect your day to day life. In the clinic, […]
A sensation that is all too familiar with dry eye sufferers is pain. Pain as described by the International Association […]
Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) causes dry eye disease, specifically evaporative dry eye disease. It is caused when there is not […]
The internet has a plethora of information. Social media networks allow information to be passed around the world in less […]
Make room for a new promising addition to your dry eye care – hypochlorous acid (HOCl). It has a long […]
Cosmetics and its Impact on Dry Eye The Canadian cosmetic market is one the fastest growing industries expected to reach […]
Lumenis Optima™ Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) as a Chronic Dry Eye Treatment Dry eyes can cause itchy, red and burning […]
That burning, irritating sensation under your eyelids? It’s probably dry eye—a common condition caused by a problem with your tear […]
Dry, red eyes can mean many things, but if you have recently smoked or ingested cannabis—that’s the likely cause. Cannabis […]
Chronic inflammation is identified as a significant risk factor for dry eye disease. Conditions like ocular rosacea and meibomian gland […]