Dealing with dry eye disease can cause a great deal of discomfort. Learning about dry eye disease and some of the causes and treatment options is a great step towards understanding how dry eye affects you.
Let’s explore what dry eye disease is, the causes behind dry eye, and treatment options, including using a warm compress.
What Is Dry Eye?
Dry eye disease is a common condition that occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or those tears evaporate too quickly. Dry eye disease is usually caused by the inability of the tear film to lubricate the eye properly.
Your tear film consists of 3 layers: fatty oils, aqueous fluid, and mucus. This combination keeps your eyes lubricated, and any interruption to these layers can lead to dry eyes. Even overnight, while sleeping, this disruption can occur.
Some symptoms of dry eye disease include:
- A stinging, scratchy sensation in your eyes
- Stringy mucus in or around your eyes
- Sensitivity to light
- Eye redness
- Difficulty wearing contact lenses
- Watery eyes
- Blurred vision
- Eye fatigue
People dealing with dry eyes often wonder why their eyes are so dry—the causes of dry eye disease can vary.
Some causes of dry eye disease include:
- Exposure to the wind or dry air
- Allergies
- Aging
- Long-term contact lens wear
- Starting at a computer for long hours
- Not blinking enough
- Certain medications
Treatment for dry eye disease can vary—one popular method to find relief is using a warm compress.
Using a Warm Compress for Dry Eye
When dealing with dry eye disease, the only thing you want is to feel better. An effective at-home treatment method is using a warm compress such as a Bruder Mask.
A warm compress can be used to put your eye pain at ease because the sustained heat will unclog your oil glands. Along with dry eye, a warm compress can also alleviate discomfort from eye problems like:
- A stye or chalazion
- Swollen eyelids
A warm compress is soothing, and it can also help:
- Add moisture and help ease the gritty feeling that comes with dry eye disease.
- Keep your natural oils from clogging—the heat from a compress can warm and help release the natural oils contained in the eye lids.
- Relieve pain that can come along with redness or discomfort.
Most warm compresses are easy to use, make sure to follow the instructions that pertain to the one that you have. Most are placed in the microwave for 10 – 20 seconds then lay it across the eyes for approximately 5 mins – 8 mins once a day.
Your optometrist may recommend going through this process several times a day and it can provide relief.
Some things to keep in mind when using a warm compress:
- Use the compress recommended by your optometrist—don’t use tea bags or chemicals like Epsom salts in the water—they can potentially damage your eye or the area around your eye.
- Follow the instructions—heating the mask too much can harm the skin around your eyes—that area is sensitive and can burn easily.
A warm compress can be a great form of treatment to provide relief from dry eye disease. Your optometrist can guide you through proper utilization and make sure you’re maximizing your results. Below are warm compresses you will see in your eye doctor’s cabinet
Bruder Mask
I-Relief Mask

Dry Eye Treatment

A warm compress is just one of the ways you can treat your dry eyes—it’s an efficient and accessible option. We all want to find relief from any eye care issues, so at-home treatments through the guidance of your optometrist are a consistent option.
Get in contact with dry eye professionals to learn more about dry eye disease and various treatment methods.