Dry eyes, eye fatigue and eye strain are common complaints in the office. These symptoms may be paired with periods of computer discomfort, neck pain and headaches that worsen as the day progresses. Patients that have been unsuccessfully treated for dry eye to relieve symptoms may seek for other treatments such as physiotherapy or rest.
Proprioceptive conflict caused by binocular vision issues could be the reason behind many of these patients’ discomforts. In these cases, patients do not have proper eye alignment and a new technology called, Neurolens may resolve the alignment and symptoms.
Proprioception and the Trigeminal Nerve
Proprioceptive information is sent to brain via the trigeminal nerve, but when there is a proprioceptive mismatch between misaligned eyes and your vestibular and muscular systems, this creates a neural conflict and leads to an inaccurate gaze response. With normal alignment of the eyes, communication between the two eyes is combined seamlessly in the brain. An individual with proprioceptive conflict requires several eye adjustments throughout the day to compensate for the misalignment.
This adjustment process stimulates a particular nerve, known as the trigeminal nerve, and overstimulation of this nerve causes symptoms such as eye strain, computer discomfort and headaches. What’s even more interesting is that the misalignment is often greater when looking at an image closer in range. Since we live in a digital world, we are focusing on our phones and computers, and these symptoms are exacerbated.
The Solution
Neurolens utilizes a contoured prism to correct the alignment of the eyes and restore comfortable optical processing. This novel technology combines neurological and optical therapies to relieve pressure on the trigeminal nerve and improve associated symptoms.
Studies have shown that the use of Neurolens can increase productivity and reading speed up to 70%. As patients have less headaches and neck strain, the use of Neurolenses has reduced or even eliminated the need to take pain-relieving medications.
The need to accurately measure eye alignments led to the development of The Neurolens Measurement Device (NMD2). This breakthrough device uses eye tracking technologies to measure the degree of misalignment at both near and far distances. These measurements are then used to provide a customized prism recommendation for Neurolenses. This diagnostic test takes only minutes.
Dry Eye Still a Problem? Ask Your Doctor if it is TD and Try Neurolens!
If you are someone who experiences symptoms of eyestrain, headaches, and neck pain that do not improve with other treatments, you are likely a candidate for Neurolenses. Neurolenses can also provide relief to those who experience eye strain symptoms from prolonged use of digital devices. The contoured nature of these lenses provides great benefit for both near and far vision making it an easy addition to any prescription. It can also be utilized by those without a prescription.
If you believe you may be a candidate for Neurolens, talk to your optometrist. Whether you may be experiencing symptoms associated with an overstimulated trigeminal nerve or the visual demands associated with a digital lifestyle, Neurolens may be the solution you need.